a1kershaw 22nd November 2010

Anneliese was a beautiful, bright and vibrant woman. When I look at her photos, her joy in life clearly radiates through her eyes and smile. I wish I had known her - yet her beauty and spirit lives on with her children. Although I have always grieved the fact that my boys never had the opportunity to know their Oma, I know that they carry part of her within them. People live on through their children and their children's children and that knowledge is comforting to me somehow. It gives a sense of continuity and richness to life. To look at Anneliese's children and grandchildren and to see her presence there, in laughter, or music or in all the things I know she loved, keeps her with us always. She left a remarkable legacy with her 4 amazing children, Susan, Peter, Barry and Lisa, who lived without her for far too long but have always kept her light in their lives.